Rietvallei triumphs with top terroir wine traits
Rietvallei Wine Estate has received top honours at the 2021 Novare SA Terroir Wine Awards, winning both the trophies for SA Terroir Top Estate and Top Producer – thereby not only reaffirming its unique terroir traits for fine wine production, but also the Robertson winegrowing area’s growing stature as leading origin of fine wine.
Rietvallei was also named as national winners for the Sauvignon Blanc and Chenin Blanc categories and these winning wines were:
- Estéanna Sauvignon Blanc 2020, the estate’s predominant that has now for two years been produced in a true blanc fumé style, with barrel-fermentation and subtle wood-contact.
- Chenin Blanc 2020, a dry and fruity wine that has trumped in the category with most entries overall and is the most prolifically planted cultivar in South Africa.
Additionally, the estate also won Robertson’s District’s categories for Cabernet Franc (JMB Cabernet Franc 2016), Red Blend (Rietvallei Estate 2016), Sauvignon Blanc (Estéanna Sauvignon Blanc 2020), Chenin Blanc (Rietvallei Chenin Blanc 2020) and Muscadel (Rietvallei Muscadel 2018) at this year’s 16th annual Terroir Awards.
The Awards’ results were announced at Overture Restaurant in Hidden Valley, Stellenbosch, on Wednesday 22 September. The national winners of the Novare SA Terroir Wine Awards 2021; derive from 17 terrains across the Cape Winelands.
Said Kobus Burger, owner-winemaker of this 158 year-old wine estate, “We feel extremely honoured to have been awarded these two trophies at this year’s Novare SA Terroir Wine Awards. It’s gratifying to see our area and its terroir-driven wines increasingly being acknowledged among the country’s leading wine terrains with their incredible diversity.”
Ontmoet ons wynboere: Rietvallei hou vas aan sy familie
Rietvallei‑wynlandgoed het in 2014 ’n belangrike mylpaal bereik deur een van slegs ’n handjievol Suid-Afrikaanse wynlandgoedere te word om 150 jaar se eienaarskap onder een familie te vier. Hierdie wynlandgoed is nou in Kobus Burger se hande, wat die sesde geslag Burgers is om wyndruiwe te produseer.
Die plaas is in 1864 deur Alewyn Burger vir sy seun, Jacobus Francois, gekoop. Hy was ʼn gerekende baanbrekerwynboer en was 70 jaar oud toe hy in 1908 ’n muskadel-wingerd op die plaas gevestig het, wat vandag die oudste van sy soort in Suid-Afrika is. Hierdie wingerd bestaan uit bosstokke en is ongeveer 0,37 hektaar groot.
Rietvallei was ook een van die eerste wynplase wat in die pragtige Robertson-wynvallei gevestig is en lê in die Klaasvoogds-wyk, ’n gebied met eiesoortige grondstrukture en ʼn klimaat wat ideaal is vir die verbouing van wyndruiwe.
Die landgoed is 215 hektaar groot, waarvan 95 hektaar onder wingerd beplant is. Ander gewasse soos bloubessies en lusern word ook op die landgoed verbou.

Tans bestaan die wingerde uit 55% wit en 45% rooi kultivars wat hoofsaaklik saamgestel is uit sauvignon blanc, chardonnay, chenin blanc, cabernet sauvignon, cabernet franc, shiraz en dan natuurlik die tradisionele rooi muskadel.
Nadat Kobus ʼn offisierskursus in die vloot en ʼn graad in meganiese ingenieurswese verwerf het, het hy in 2002 sy gewig agter sy pa, Johnny, ingegooi en by Rietvallei-landgoed se bemarking betrokke geraak. Hulle het besluit om van Distell, wat die landgoed se bemarking en verspreiding langer as 25 jaar gedoen het, weg te breek. In 2002 het Vinimark die nasionale verspreider van Rietvallei-landgoed geword.
In 2002 het Kobus ook die kuns van wynmaak aan die Bergkelder in Stellenbosch begin bemeester en in September is hy Frankryk toe waar hy tydens hul oestyd in Sancerre by die Henri Bourgeois-familiewynkelder gewerk het.
Kobus het sy eerste oes op Rietvallei saam met sy pa in 2003 meegemaak, wat hom die fynere vaardighede, wat eie aan die plaas is, geleer het. In 2004 was Kobus gereed om die wynmakery oor te neem terwyl sy pa begin het om hom op die boerdery toe te spits.
Kobus en sy vrou, Elizabeth, het vier kinders, twee dogters en tweelingseuns. Elizabeth is aktief betrokke by die onderneming en bestuur die herehuis en ander geriewe. Sy is ook die sjef wanneer spesiale gaste of internasionale agente op die plaas onthaal word.

Rietvallei se wingerde floreer in die skoon Karoo-lug wat vanuit die noorde oor die Langeberg na die kus beweeg. Dit gebeur ook dikwels vroeg in die oggend dat die wingerdstokke in mis gehul is terwyl ʼn somerbriesie weer van die kus af kom om die druiwe verder af te koel, sodat hulle stadig kan ryp word om ʼn voldoende suikerinhoud te ontwikkel.
Die grond op die landgoed is goed gedreineer en ryk aan kalk, met ’n hoë pH, wat ideaal vir wynbou is. Die grondsoorte wissel van rooi kalkagtige klei-leem, tot diep kalkleem, tot rotsagtige en selfs ook tot sanderige alluviale grond teen die banke van die Breërivier.
Soos die moderne neiging is, word ook so veel as moontlik organiese praktyke op Rietvallei toegepas. “Wanneer dit beskikbaar is, komposteer ons hoendermis en/of beesmis saam met ons druiwedoppe wat ons dan gedurende die wintermaande in die wingerde inwerk. Ongelukkig is die mis nie altyd beskikbaar nie, of net te duur om ekonomies sin te maak,” sê Kobus. “Derhalwe gebruik ons ook gewone kunsmis om aanvullings te doen.
“Ons pas voorkomende spuitprogramme toe vir witroes en donsskimmel, wat potensieel twee groot probleme vir wingerdboere in die Wes-Kaap is. Hoe natter die jaar is, hoe hoër is dié siektes se druklading, maar as jou voorkomende stelsels in plek is, is jy veilig.”
Bykomend tot die kompos spuit Kobus ook aanvullende blaarvoeding.
ʼn Gedeelte van Rietvallei se wingerd word meganies gesnoei met ʼn snoeiaanhangsel vooraan ʼn trekker en die oprankstelsels is spesiaal daarvoor aangepas. Hierdie boorde word ook meganies geoes.

Die ou muskadel bosstok-blok moet weer sagkens hanteer word en met die hand gesnoei word. Daar word ook ʼn graaf en skoffel ingespan om rondom skoon te maak. “Die blok was destyds baie groter, maar moes toenemend plek maak vir nuwe aanplantings en soms gaan daar oesjare verby wat daar niks geoes word nie, maar ons hou dit vir ʼn nalatenskap,” sê hy.
Rietvallei bied wyn vir elke klas koper aan, van hul Rietvallei Heritage- en Classic-versamelings tot die gewilde John B-handelsmerk.
Vanjaar het Kobus ook die mark met ʼn sak in ʼn boks binnegedring met die John B-reeks “Dit werk uitstekend vir restaurante wat wyn by die glas verkoop.”
Rietvallei bied verskillende opsies vir funksies met ’n mediumgrootte binnehof wat uitloop op die ruim stoep en weelderige grasperk. Dit kyk uit op ʼn pragtige tuin en bied ʼn asemrowende uitsig op die Langeberg. Daar is ook ʼn gesellige lapa met sy eie kroeg en ’n kaggel. Rietvallei kan ook konferensies en vergaderings vir tot 50 mense aanbied.
Wine Club Membership Benefits
Join the Rietvallei Wine Club to receive major discounts, earn redeemable points which can be spent in our online point shop or used towards your next order, be first to recieve the latest news from the farm, and get notified of our Wine Spotlight discounts where you receive between 25% to 35% discount! Being a wine club member has never been better.
Please see the below summary of how the memberships differ and how to qualify.
Basic Membership:
- Receive 10% discount with online purchases.
- Earn 2.5% points with online purchases.
- Periodically receive additional discounts on certain wines.
- Gain access to exclusive recipe videos.
- Free delivery on 12 bottles or more.
- Be the first to know about events and news from the farm.
How to Qualify:
- Visit this link https://rietvallei.co.za/wine-club and click on the REGISTER HERE button.
2. Spend R1000 or more in our online Wine Shop to receive lifetime Basic Membership.
3. Your membership will be made active and all your benefits will automatically be applied to future purchases.
Premium Membership:
- Receive 20% discount with online purchases.
- Earn 10% points with online purchases.
- Receive larger discounts on certain wines more often.
- Gain access to exclusive recipe videos.
- Free delivery on 12 bottles or more.
- Be the first to know about events and news from the farm.
How to Qualify:
- Visit this link https://rietvallei.co.za/wine-club and click on the REGISTER HERE button.
2. Spend R3000 or more in our online Wine Shop to receive Premium Membership.
3. Your membership will be made active and all your benefits will automatically be applied to future purchases.
67 Minuets for Mandela Day
On the 18th of July each year we honour Nelson Mandela by dedicating 67 minutes of our time to change the world and make a difference. We all need help sometimes in our lives, but we decided to help those who cannot always help themselves.
The SPCA in Ashton immediately caught our attention, we felt an immediate connection as the Rietvallei team are all big animal lovers. We set out to visit the dogs and cats at the SPCA, the excitement on the way there was contagious! Johnny and Austin were the muscle of the day and carried the dog and cat food while Elizabeth and Annie carried the blankets we were donating.
It was a day well spent and the happy faces and licks we received from the animals made it all worth it. Mandela Day really shows us that we can make a difference, all we need is to begin somewhere, no matter how big or small, collectively we have a major impact.
#MandelaDay #rietvallei #makingadifference

2021 National Wine Challenge Results
We are extremely honoured and excited to have so many of our collection awarded by this prestigious wine competition. The National Wine Challenge, incorporating Top 100 SA Wines, is the premier fine-wine-only wine competition in SA and our results are as follow:
Grand Cru National Champion Best in Class
Rietvallei Red Muscadel 2018
Top 100 & Double Platinum awards
Rietvallei Red Muscadel 2018
Rietvallei Estéanna Sauvignon Blanc 2020
Rietvallei Estéanna Cabernet Franc/Cabernet Sauvignon/Petit Verdot 2016
Rietvallei 1908 Red Muscadel 2018
Double Gold awards
Rietvallei Dark Cin 2019
Double Silver awards
Rietvallei Estate 2016
Rietvallei JMB Chardonnay 2020
According to Robin von Holdt, CEO of Buybetterwine.com, strong competition worldwide remains on the attack, but it is obvious for now that ascendancy for SA fine wine remains the current trajectory. “Covid 19 and the knock-on implications both financially and with regards to trade have been hugely damaging in many ways. Suffice to say that the industry has been dealt a number of blows… Fortunately, the wine industry culture is resilient and is one of hard, enthusiastic work together with a life-long commitment. Because of these characteristics, the future is secure. The path to achieving this however remains difficult for many. Thus, we too continue our justified and committed praise of SA’s fine wines at all opportunities and in all situations.”
#rietvalleiwines #rietvalleiawards #nationalwinechallenge
2021 Cabernet Franc Challenge Results
This year marks the 6th annual Cabernet Franc Challenge in South Africa with a total of 43 entries. We are pleased to announce that our JMB Cabernet Franc 2016 has been rated among the Top 6 of Cabernet Franc’s nationwide.
Christine Rudman, who led the challenge tasting panel, said there was less herbaceousness across the range than in previous Challenges and that the panel was also very impressed by the older vintages, which proves the maturation potential of the varietal. “The best wines had balance, elegance, suppleness, and complexity, showing fruit purity with tertiary perfumes and flavours of violets and graphite. The oak regime was commendable, in harmony yet supplying a core for strength and aging”.
The JMB Cabernet Franc is a dark and complex wine, rich in flavour with a beautiful nose. The pallet delivers wonderful notes of toasted oak, blackcurrant and coffee. Only the very best grapes are selected for this premium wine. Left on new French oak for 24 months, this elegantly wooded wine is the perfect partner for those fireplace nights fast approaching
To place your order for our award winning JMB Cabernet Franc 2016, please visit our online shop https://rietvallei.co.za/product/jmb-cabernet-franc-2016
#rietvalleiwines #rietvalleiawards #nationalwinechallenge